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International Wool Symposium

2017 - 6th edition

23 - 28 May

Participating artists

Bertina Slettenhaar & Margot van Leeuwen (Holland)

Che Marchesi (Spain)

Christiane Lehmann (Germany)

Lucia Beijelsmit (Holland)

María Gloria Andrade (Equador)

Marian Meerbeek (assisted by Vivienne Lopes de Leäo Laguna) (Holland)

Mariël Bisschops (Holland)

Vera Staub (Switzerland)

More info 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

Bertina Slettenhaar

& Margot van Leeuwen (Holland)

Gazing at the hills of your beautiful land, sitting in our atelier amidst the snow and ice of a Dutch winter, your call created a track of ideas in our heads. Ideas that eventually led into an actual track; namely a snow-track. The other way around: not a green track in winter, but a white track in summer. Is is a snowball? Or is it a white orb – ending (or beginning) with a thread. 
If possible ... the thread could continue on the other side of the hill – a knit or crochet work in the making, placed on the land as if forgotten by a giant. Or will the white track perhaps end elsewhere?

We would like to shape this idea together on the spot. The possibilities of the thread… imagine what can be made of it. Every day tells another story or object… Daily film keeps you curious… Either way, from whichever way the artwork is looked at – the answer will always lie on the other side of the hill.

Che Marchesi (Spain)

Propongo la realización de un forillo translúcido, en el cual se dibuje el paisaje de los montes que se ven desde el pilón hacia el sol naciente, ejecutado con lana de oveja blanca para el fondo y negra para el dibujo de la línea de horizonte de los montes. Observado y enmarcado desde un punto de vista fijo, un visor que permita ver la coincidencia del dibujo con el paisaje. Busco una expresión poética inspirada en la expresión genética de una oveja negra que nació con unas montañas blancas dibujadas en su costado.

Documentaré la obra fotográficamente, como un filtro de luz y forillo, que variará su apariencia con la iluminación del sol, desde su retroiluminación al amanecer, hasta su iluminación plena en el ocaso, generando una serie de fotografías que lo expresen. 

Christiane Lehmann (Germany)

Where lies the border between what is organically natural and what is technically produced? How do we and how does society deal with nature? My sculptures, installations, drawings and collages move in this area of conflict. The sensuously material quality of the objects plays in a perceptive field. The texture of relationships, the frame, is as important as the objects themselves. Everything is interwoven in manifold ways. Intensities in space, challenging questions, conjunctions, processes, big and small stand in parallel. Polarities arise between handmade and standardized. .... 

My perception is based on my biography. Before starting as a free artist I was a dentist and a therapist, thus I link art to therapy and science.
In the years past I have studied the original view of nature and the culture of Sami, Turk-mongols and Hopi Indians. What is man? Where do we come from and where do we go? I challenge apparent harmonies. The viewer is encouraged to find associations from her/his personal perception and from collective experience and to define his/her own position. 

Lucia Beijelsmit (Holland)

Ovejas de lana de lana de ovejas

Mi proyecto consiste en hacer un tapiz de yute con un rebaño de ovej@s. Utilizaría sacos de yute de segunda mano. He buscado, y encontrado, una manera de fijar la lana en el yute de tal modo que se puede quitar la lana de un solo tiro cuando le toca ir hacia la hilatura. Me gustaría poder utilizar algo de la lana negra para los machos con sus cuernos.


Los sacos de yute serían cosidos o anudados hasta un largo de 10 metros aproximadamente. El tapiz se tendería entre las encinas de manera que al final tendremos un rebaño más en la dehesa.

María Gloria Andrade (Equador)

Desde siempre y en todas las culturas hemos usado elementos naturales y otros para crear sombreros... tocados,... que han servido para abrigarnos o cubrirnos del sol, de la lluvia, de la nieve, para identificar una clase social o una actividad particular, como premios, como castigos, como signos de pudor y también de desvergüenza, o simplemente como objetos decorativos y en definitiva para identificarnos y diferenciarnos de los demás.

Me gustaría hacer para cada uno de los demás artistas participantes un tocado o sombrero especial que reflejara de alguna manera su proyecto, su obra, su personalidad.  Tomaría fotografías  y videos de mi proceso así como del de ellos con la idea de luego hacer un video



Marian Meerbeek assisted by

Vivienne Lopes de Leäo (Holland)

The common thread in my work is formed by the elements of earth, water, air and fire. The work is made ​​specifically for a location and also built there. The works enter into a relationship with the environment and the public and refer to the history of the place...


I would like to experiment with the wool... I would like to work with the wool and found materials on the location (leaves, pieces of wood, soil, plants etc.) to incorporate in my project. For example: using soil with water (raw clay) as some kind of mold for the wool. Mixing wool with starch to fixate the shape. Wool, wire and pieces of wood to create a 3-dimensional shape...

 Mariël Bisschops (Holland)


The Tree of Life

I am inspired by Darwin’s theory of evolution.

Darwin developed a Tree of Life. All forms of life, plants, animals and human beings originate in the very first form of life, the same unicellular organisms on earth.The evolution of species is driven by natural selection. At this moment the earth counts over one billion species organisms. New organisms are discovered annually, not only microorganisms, but also plants and animals. So the Tree of Life is constantly changing, as our insights and knowledge develop further. This is my Tree of Life. I'm not a biologist or scientist, and I have not studied natural history. But this is my view of love to nature, and designed from my view of art. Nature is dynamic. The only way to survive is to adapt to the changes. Various animal species are extinct, that is a normal process of life. Species come and go. Protecting one kind is the disadvantage of the other. Let nature be nature. Biological species and processes are variable and so they are not static.

That is what often happens to my art. My artworks in the open air change through nature in the course of time.

Mariël Bisschops

 Vera Staub (Switzerland)



Wall to Wool I want to build a line, a ‘wall’ through the landscape. It’s not the wall which separates people, holds back immigrants (...), it’s a wall out of wool, like a shawl. The end the line will be rolled in. A place so sit, to rest. Alice Walker, an African American Poet writes in my favorite poem:

‘Take the contradictions Of your life And wrap around You like a shawl, To parry stones To keep you warm.’


Transitions such as giving birth and dying are often object of my artworking. Shearing of the sheep reminds me of transitions. I’d love to attend, to explore it by drawing.


We greatly appreciate the support of 



 Finca Constancia , Casa Rural Miel y Romero    El Horno de Dulces la Posada 

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